Friday, 1 April 2011

Why the screeching Why the DAM project

The loud screeching, continuous noise woke me up at 2am. Jeanna with the benefit of earplugs
wasn't budging. Went up on deck and realized we were actually crawling our way through the
boat locks, the system of gates to take you from the low level to the high level part of the
river. You are literally kissing the sides of other boats and moving at a snail's pace
through the channel. At 3am, once I knew this was going to go on forever, I though it best
to force myself back to sleep.
645AM - Another early breakfast start. We beat the rush and mauled the buffet table pushing
the occasional fellow passenger aside (When in Rome). Then it was off to our final tour of the mega dam itself. Because it was dry season
no water was being let out and the haze (humidity) was back today making viewing impossible
at best. So it was more about understanding the history and logistics of this massive
structure and appreciating the river behemoth. Along the way there was more Chinese imagination
skills required to picture the Chairman Mao Mountain where he lies on his back in stately manner
(See for yourself).
Back to the ship and now the confusion. Our docking port is not really near anything and
with everyone off and leaving for their designated buses it was confusing how we were
going to find transportation out of here. After some wicked negotiation (and accompanying payment)
we made it out to Yichang city. Once there we proceeded to roam the streets looking homeless
and needy till we found good help at the international hotel to point us in the right direction
to the airport. Along the way we understood why this city had a population of 4 million and
growing. Construction everywhere to support the ever growing bodies that were coming to
work and live.

Packed in as 2am sardines
Chairman Mao Mountain

Now everyone can see it in daylight

THE DAM! No spewing water in low season

Took this just before ducking to avoid the group chasing us for pics

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