Friday, 20 May 2011

How do they all get along?

City walking tour with the guide presenting his uniquely Jewish take on the history of the city in terms of the religions and politics which was good in a way because we were aiming to get the palestinian version on a separate tour tomorrow.

Won't dwell on all the details of everything we saw. This is not exactly an exotic location lacking information and its history is littered everywhere so not for me to regurgitate (a polite way of saying I don't have the time to write all this stuff down!). In essence we meandered our way through the Christian and Muslim quarters through to the wailing/western wall and into the mount area. Some people it's clear are not keen on following instructions. No bibles or non Muslim texts means that your crucifixes etc are begging to be confiscated. Trying to be belligerent about it only makes one's situation more precarious as we saw in one of the other tour groups. On our side we only had to get some of the guys to dress with something longer than their board shorts on the day.




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