Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Touchdown Mongolia

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What's the point of a visa? Almost went through the same amount of questions and trouble that occurred in Beijing in January. No matter. Finally made it through picked up our bags last and headed out into that -3 degree weather! We're not in Fiji anymore. Would have to walk for days to find the ocean. Ulaan Baatar city is surrounded by snow capped peaks which is a definite change of scenery.

They drive on the 'other' side of the road here. The 'right' side we'll leave as an open question. Interestingly enough though, there are as many left hand drive cars as there are right sided vehicles which makes things a bit disorienting at first.

checked in had some dinner at a restaurant that seems to double as a gentleman's club for the military dressed officers who are burdened with medals and badges of all sorts. Have an early start tomorrow so left before we could actually figure it all out.

The fun starts at 9am and will last about 10 days. Don't think we'll be online in that period so updates to follow soon. No snide remarks, soon means when time permits :)

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